January 6, 2009


"How could you make a move to tell someone how you really feel...
...If you already feel the rejection even without words."

Its really funny...a friend of mine texted this just for the heck of it and its really really how I feel right now, for Mike.I'm planning to get involved with him and get to know more of him and yet I already feel the rejection by his actions through the "avoiding and ignoring..." *sigh*


Mr. Know-It-All said...

You're not rejected still you're rejected. Until then, you should just have fun :)

I also love that picture... he's so bald and adorable. *cheek pinch*

Elyong said...

Even without the signs of rejections, making a move is already a challenge.

Maybe waiting for the right time is a good move.

Anonymous said...

This is so damn hard and painful. sigh

Anonymous said...

i totally agree... this is so damn hard and pity painful! what is worst i guess is being rejected even if your extending your hand just for a friendship, no more no less... tons of guys are out there like that. :'(