Nothing is permanent in this lifetime. No matter how much effort we've put into it...we could prolong the moment and enjoy it...but sometime soon it will be gone.
Just like a good movie.
It will end.
We all die. No one lives forever.
Just like how a good conversation with someone so special over a cup of coffee would end.
Just like every sunrise and sunset...just like every good things, every happy moments, even every sorrows and sufferings...they all come to an end. Somehow.
Just like how a plant grows and a fruit emerged and you tasted its goodness. It will give you that fruit over and over again till it get tired and weary. Sometime soon that plant will die.
Just like every phone calls. Just like a good chat. Just like a great date or time with someone ends.
Today you're here and tomorrow you'll be gone too. Just like the others. Wish I could have all the powers to prevent all of this from happening...I wish I could re-do everything and eliminate the endings.
How I wish to be stucked in this moment and won't allow you to get out and stay with me till we get tired and weary and old too.
But reality sucks.
Everything ends.
Everybody hurts.
Everybody leaves.
It hurts.... It ends... But sooner, it will get back to sucking again.... Hahahaha
Everything ends.
-before u know it may nag-uumpisa na naman.
Everybody hurts.
-time will heal. maahihilom din yan.
Everybody leaves.
-expect somebody to come.
feeling close naman ako may may masabi lang. peace...
these are like the fallen leaves in autumn, no matter how sad they look like, there will always be a new one in spring...
nyaha! ume-epal lang ☺
savor each day, don't stress yourself about what might happen in the future :)
@juan--siympre ikaw na naman unang nag comment!hahaha miss u my friend! at teka wag mo ko gagaya sau na suck nalang ng suck! chos
@aboutambot--hey thanks! those are nice words sa nega'ng post ko na ito hahaha~
@brian--hi! thank you for that comment...lovely!
@elay--been there and done that kasi e...all have one conclusion...everybody leaves, somehow:-(
What's wrong, Mac?
i always believe, mac, that everything happens for a reason.
yah. so easy to speak yet hard to bear.
but that is the whole essence of living...
to experience things.
This post is applicable to my bff's current condition. He is infected with HIV- but life is sweeter as he said it..
damang-dama ko mars. hope your'e ok..
Cheer up mars. Stop looking at what's lacking or you'll end up having less. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Stop worrying.
Sob mars. Look at what's lacking and you'll have zero. Life is meant to be a chaos. Worry more!
Hahaha. Mamimili ka mars.
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